[olug] OT: Google Apps for Domains

Jon Larsen relayer at levania.org
Fri May 6 20:50:26 UTC 2011

Thanks for the thoughtful reply.  I've seen lists change from time to 
time, but didn't put much thought into it.

Jon L.

On Fri, 6 May 2011, Christopher Cashell wrote:

> Date: Fri, 6 May 2011 15:31:22 -0500
> From: Christopher Cashell <topher-olug at zyp.org>
> Reply-To: Omaha Linux User Group <olug at olug.org>
> To: Omaha Linux User Group <olug at olug.org>
> Subject: Re: [olug] OT: Google Apps for Domains
> On Fri, May 6, 2011 at 2:25 PM, Jon Larsen <relayer at levania.org> wrote:
> > If you have a couple mailman lists on your mailserver, but wanted to move
> > to google mail handling, how would you use them with Google Apps for Domains?
> Hrm.  Assuming the mailing lists were setup as list-foo at domain.com,
> I'd probably start by trying to migrate the mailing lists to a
> different domain, like list-foo at lists.domain.com.
> If they're staying on the same server, it should just be a matter of
> adding a DNS entry (MX), and some reconfiguration on the local mail
> server and mailing list software.  If migrating to a different
> machine, make sure everything gets migrated over (including list
> archives, etc) properly.
> Next, I'd look at the number of users and determine whether I can
> easily push them to use the new address, list-foo at lists.domain.com, or
> not.  If I think that would work, I'd call it good.  If not, I'd
> create a Gmail/Google Apps user for the account and configure the
> settings for that user to forward all e-mail to the mailing list
> address.  I'd then start a slow push towards the new mailing list
> address, deprecating the old one, but keeping it around until everyone
> was using the new one.
> This is a total back-of-the-napkin type plan that I put together as I
> was writing this e-mail, so it could easily have some gaping holes in
> it.  Also, it's been years since I've used mailman (most of my list
> experience is with ezmlm), so there may be additional complications
> related to that, which I haven't accounted for.
> And of course, it goes without saying, all of this should be done on a
> newly created test mailing list *before* any production/in use mailing
> lists are touched.  It only takes a few minutes to setup a new mailing
> list, send a few messages to it, and have it ready for testing. ;-)

Jon H. Larsen  - relayer -at- levania -dot- org
Blog - http://jonlarsen.us/
VP of Community Development, Omaha Linux Users Group - http://www.olug.org/
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