[olug] Off topic: Roku box users?

Jeff Hinrichs jeffh at delasco.com
Mon Oct 18 21:19:18 UTC 2010

+1 for more info on the HDHomeRun.  I liked what I've seen/read about it but
if you would be willing to really review it -- what you like, what you don't
I'd really appreciate it.

Currently, I run cox basic straight into a box with a haupauge + mythtv --
no digital from cox except their scraps they throw up on 89-1 -> 110-1 or
so. Man, my relatives in Columbus have comcast and they have the decency to
interleave their HD with the normal channels.  For instance, SD Channel 7 is
KETV, and 7.1 is KETV-HD1, 7.2 is KETV-HD2, etc.  You don't need a box to
get standard digital service or find if a station has a HD alternate.

Cox keeps things complex to coerce you into "renting" the set-top box, imho.

Any who, I'd like to get local HD over the air and combine it into my myth /
xbmc / soon to be roku set up.  Goal -- Dump cox video.


On Mon, Oct 18, 2010 at 3:33 PM, Dan Linder <dan at linder.org> wrote:

> Lee,
> You wrote:
> > I would recommend the HDHomeRun from SiliconDust. Have been running run
> > with MythTV for 2 years with little problems.
> > http://www.silicondust.com/products/models/hdhr-us/
> >
> After my purchase the KWorld USB tuner card, I'm looking for another
> solution.  For $30 it works ok under Windows with their drivers, but it's
> another case of "Same model, different chips inside" and now Linux won't
> work with this "Version 2" device. :-(  (It was reported working the week
> before so I purchased it...)
> The SiliconDust option is very enticing.  For about the same price as a
> Hauppage USB device and I won't have to fight driver issues, plus the
> manufacturer seems to treat Linux on equal footing to the Windows and
> Mac/Apple users.
> Questions:
>  * I haven't found a "how it works" link on their page...  I assume a PC
> talks to it over some protocol, this tunes the channel, then sends the
> video
> signal over a TCP/IP packet across the network to that same PC which then
> saves that to a local file?
>  * What is the resulting file format it sends to the PC?  Or is it a
> proprietary format and the resulting file on disk whatever format you
> choose
> to (re-)encode as?
>  * Do you get your signal over-the-air, or via Cox or QWest cable?
> DanL
> --
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