[olug] Congratulations Rex!

Jon Larsen relayer at levania.org
Thu May 27 20:49:59 UTC 2010

Congratulations go out to Rex Dieter on being elected to the Fedora 
Project Board!

Jon L.

Jon H. Larsen  - relayer -at- levania -dot- org
Blog - http://levania.org/relayer/
VP of Community Development, Omaha Linux Users Group - http://www.olug.org/
AnimeSunday.org - http://www.animesunday.org/

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 27 May 2010 10:02:56 -0400
From: Paul W. Frields <stickster at gmail.com>
Reply-To: users at lists.fedoraproject.org
To: Fedora Announcements <announce at lists.fedoraproject.org>
Subject: Fedora Board and FESCo Election results

The Fedora elections for the Fedora Project Board and the Fedora
Engineering Steering Committee (FESCo) have concluded, and the results

The Board is electing 3 seats this cycle.  A total of 229 ballots were
cast, meaning a candidate could accumulate up to 1374 votes (229 * 6).
The results for the Fedora Board election are as follows:

 name                     | # votes
- --------------------------+---------
 Tom Callaway (spot)      |    1001
 Máirín Duffy (mizmo)     |     978
 Rex Dieter (rdieter)     |     772
- --------------------------+---------
 Stephen Smoogen (smooge) |     559
 John McDonough (jjmcd)   |     437
 Larry Cafiero (lcafiero) |     430

Therefore, Tom Callaway, Máirín Duffy, and Rex Dieter are elected to
the Board for a full two-release term.

* * *

FESCo is electing 5 seats this cycle.  A total of 180 ballots were
cast, meaning a candidate could accumulate up to 1260 votes (180 *
7).  The results for the FESCo election are as follows:

 name                         | # votes
- ------------------------------+---------
 Bill Nottingham (notting)    |     937
 Kevin Fenzi (kevin)          |     749
 Matthias Clasen (mclasen)    |     681
 Kyle McMartin (kyle)         |     545
 Steven M. Parrish (tuxbrewr) |     516
- ------------------------------+---------
 Bruno Wolff III (bruno)      |     492
 Justin M. Forbes (jforbes)   |     460

Therefore, Bill Nottingham, Kevin Fenzi, Matthias Clasen, Kyle
McMartin, and Steven M. Parrish are elected to FESCo for a full
two-release term.

* * *

Congratulations to the winning candidates, and thank you to each of
the nominees for running, and our volunteers and team members for
their assistance.

- -- 
Paul W. Frields                                http://paul.frields.org/
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