[olug] (OT) Loner Mac

Adam Lassek adam at doubleprime.net
Sat May 16 03:47:10 UTC 2009

I've serviced those iMacs in the past, and the hard drives do show up on a
PC BIOS. The drive is probably toast, I'm afraid.

On Sun, May 10, 2009 at 11:56 PM, Phil Brutsche <phil at brutsche.us> wrote:

> Steven Susbauer wrote:
> > It is possible the PC BIOS does not recognize it because it is using the
> > Apple Partition Map.
> The BIOS should still see the drive in the POST sequence. In this case
> it does not.
> There are 2 reasons why that can be:
> a) Apple did some funky stuff to the drive to it non-functional on
> non-Mac hardware
> b) The PCB on the drive is toast
> Cheyenne is looking for an SATA-equipped Mac as a last ditch effort to
> get his parental units' data off the drive.
> --
> Phil Brutsche
> phil at brutsche.us
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