[olug] OT - NEbraskaCERT May CSF

Aaron Grothe ajgrothe at yahoo.com
Wed May 6 06:24:39 UTC 2009

Hey Guys,

This came up a bit tonight and I wanted to send this out in case anybody was interested.  It also gives a bit more info about the 2009 Verizon Business Data Breach  Investigations Report.  Should be a good event if anybody is interested.


"The Journey is the Reward" - Old Zen Buddhist Saying

### Begin Standard Info

Omaha's Cyber Security Forum welcomes you!  May's meeting is at
11:30 a.m. on Wednesday the 20th and regular meetings will continue
to be held on the third Wednesday of each month.  Details are as follows:

Note #1:  If you need a CPE form please let us know when you

Note #2:  Our Call for Presenters for the 2009 NEbraskaCERT conference
          is up for more info hit our website http://www.certconf.org

  TOPIC:  A Discussion of Verizon 2009 Data Breach Investigations Report
  BY:     Ron Woerner, CISSP
  WHO:    All Nebraska/Iowa Information Security Professionals
  WHEN:   Wednesday - May 20, 11:30 am - 1:00 pm
  WHERE:  Johnny's Cafe
          4702 South 27th Street, Omaha, NE
  WHY:    To share information with like-minded professionals
          (and to share a FREE lunch provided you RSVP!)
  HOW:    YOU MUST RSVP to csfrsvp at nebraskacert.org and provide
          your name, company, phone and email address
          by Close Of Business Monday, 18 May.

  DESCRIPTION:  More electronic records were breached in 2008
                than the previous four years combined, fueled
                by a targeting of the financial services industry
                and a strong involvement of organized crime,
                according to the "2009 Verizon Business Data Breach
                Investigations Report" (DBIR) released April 15,

                This concluded that mistakes and oversight failures
                hindered security efforts more than a lack of
                resources at the time of the breach. This CSF will
                be a discussion of the report findings, conclusions,
                and potential solutions.

If those of you who have access to lists of interested individuals
would pass this message along, it would be appreciated!

We look forward to seeing you at the meeting.


Aaron J. Grothe
csfrsvp at nebraskacert.org
Phone 402.551.9817
Fax   402.551.9819


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