[olug] Community Colo Project

charles.bird at powerdnn.com charles.bird at powerdnn.com
Thu Mar 26 18:27:47 UTC 2009

I like the idea, I've always wanted to do something like that. I thought about registering the name "ghettodatacenter.com" or something and leasing a small office at the kanesville CO in CB, no loopback charges and plenty of bandwidth for a couple racks. Just basic airconditioning and a few 20-30A circuits. 

24/7 access too :)

-----Original Message-----
From: Dan Clough <dclough at gmail.com>

Date: Thu, 26 Mar 2009 13:11:13 
To: Omaha Linux User Group<olug at olug.org>
Subject: [olug] Community Colo Project

Over the last week ideas have been bounced around regarding the
possibility of a community colocation project.  This sounds like a
wonderful idea to me considering Omaha's lack of small-fish colo
places and the general abundance of bandwidth, and I'd like to know
what OLUG thinks about contributing to such an operation.

Ever since Jay closed up shop I've been looking for a good place to
put my servers, with my main concerns being static IP addressing and
no port restrictions (I'm looking at you, Cox).  A community colo
would free up some room in our basements and maybe even prove the
viability of colocating in Omaha.

Finances are of course the most limiting factor, so keeping it cheap
and simple is the key to success.  I think one rack, 10 or 20Mbps and
a /26 or /27 block of IPv4 addresses would be more than enough to
start out with.  What do you guys think about such a venture?

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