[olug] To Sudo or Not to Sudo, That is the Question

Dave Thacker dthacker9 at cox.net
Thu Oct 30 23:04:40 UTC 2008

On Wednesday 29 October 2008 22:51:05 T. J. Brumfield wrote:
> I never use sudo.  As soon as a I open a terminal (yakuake) I type su
> - and go straight to then running all commands as root.  If I have to
> do something as a normal user, I open a new terminal tab.
> I find it extraneous to constantly use sudo.  That's just how I roll.
> What about everyone else?

I use sudo all the time.  At home, it saves me from accidentally blowing 
something away.   At work, it's a security measure.   I ask my users to use 
it, so I need to lead by example. 

Dave Thacker

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