[olug] Firefox issues

Matthew Platte 51 at triopticon.com
Wed Oct 8 15:33:00 UTC 2008

> I agree.  Even when you don't update Firefox, the add-ons attempt to
> update every time you load Firefox.  Also sometimes a hung Firefox
> process is still running in the background somewhere.

I noticed a one-liner similar to this

  kill -HUP `ps -aef | grep -i firefox | sort -k2 | /bin/sed 1d | awk
'{print $2}'`

... on a Rubyist's blog a few days ago, so I put it into a shell script
then made a launcher in Gnome panel.  It's quite convenient, especially
since Adobe's Flash binary is once more somewhat quirky on the Linux
although, to be fair, it may well be the Nagios plugin that's hanging the

Whatever the cause, re-starting Firefox is way faster for me now.  Of
course it would be much shorter to use killall but it's so rare that I get
a chance to use sed....


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