[olug] Advice on a new rig

Obi-Wan obiwan at jedi.com
Tue Nov 25 21:16:36 UTC 2008

> The 32-bit memory limit is 4GB, but only 3GB of that can be used. I ran into
> this after upgrading my machine, linux can only see 3 while Windows supports
> all 4 but with PAE.

I think you're mistaken about the linux side:

top - 15:14:52 up 27 days, 20:45, 11 users,  load average: 0.06, 0.14, 0.15
Tasks: 243 total,   1 running, 242 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
Cpu(s):  8.0%us,  1.5%sy,  0.2%ni, 88.6%id,  1.5%wa,  0.1%hi,  0.1%si,  0.0%st
Mem:   3631308k total,  3206644k used,   424664k free,   548020k buffers
Swap:  6016252k total,   327784k used,  5688468k free,  1011280k cached

I'm using well over 3GB at the moment, and the system knows that
I've got nearly half a GB still available.

Ben "Obi-Wan" Hollingsworth                             obiwan at jedi.com
   The stuff of earth competes for the allegiance I owe only to the
     Giver of all good things, so if I stand, let me stand on the
       promise that You will pull me through.  -- Rich Mullins

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