[olug] Running EasyGPS in Wine

Paul H. Lewis phldml3 at cox.net
Sat Nov 8 20:19:14 UTC 2008

I installed Ubuntu a week or so ago on my Dell Dimension 4400 Desktop
after XP got taken over by 32 nasty virus!  Still not sure what happened
there....  Anyway, I've come to love the speed that the machine has
running under Linux.  My network all in one printer came up working
great in CUPS (Awesome!)  E-mail is lots faster with Evolution (Just
can't see myself going back to Outlook).

I'm having one major problem (major for me!).  I utilized EasyGPS on XP,
and am trying to get it running under WINE to no avail.  I've Google for
help and all links speak of going to an older version that is no longer
available on line (at least that I can find).  Appears to me that I've
got an erroneous file or something that is preventing the software from
properly started.  Below is the error log that I'm getting....can anyone
interpret it?  TIA


11/8/2008 10:19:47 AM
EasyGPS Message Log
This file is automatically created when EasyGPS runs.
If you experience errors with this program,
please visit our website at http://www.easygps.com/support.asp to report
the problem.

C:\Program Files\EasyGPS\EasyGPS.exe
EasyGPS 2.9.6
C:\Program Files\EasyGPS\EasyGPS.exe
Built for Windows 2000/XP/Vista
Last Run was Unsuccessful
Unhandled Exception!	\SymbolRegistry.cpp	929
  value:0  message:CSymbolRegistry::Initialize

*** Error Message ***

A, 0, 0
*** End of Error Message ***
Msg: File already exists
Emulated OS: Windows XP (Professional) v5.1 Build:2600 Service Pack:2
Underlying OS: Windows XP (Professional) v5.1 Build:2600 Service Pack:2
Number of Runs: 5
Successful Runs: 1
Unsuccessful Runs: 4
First Run: 11/8/2008 9:43:00 AM
Map Folder: 
Emulated OS: Windows XP (Professional) v5.1 Build:2600 Service Pack:2
Underlying OS: Windows XP (Professional) v5.1 Build:2600 Service Pack:2
Number of Runs: 5
Successful Runs: 1
Unsuccessful Runs: 4
First Run: 11/8/2008 9:43:00 AM
Map Folder: 
Unhandled Exception!	\MapView.cpp	5557
  value:0  message:CMapView::DrawScaleBar

*** Error Message ***

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