[olug] To Sudo or Not to Sudo, That is the Question

Jay Woods woodsjay at cox.net
Sat Nov 1 06:35:10 UTC 2008

In 1964, I hosed a 360/67 using the West Virginia multitasking system (MFT) 
several times. I had 5 jobs stacked in the system to run over the weekend, 
each with a bad job card that overwrote chunks of the operating system. It 
brought the system down each time it was started up and began running jobs. 
The sys admins after a day or so, finally caught on it was my stuff, flushed 
them out of the system, and were not pleased with me. 

On Friday 31 October 2008 07:42:48 pm Will Langford wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 7:14 PM, Carl Lundstedt 
<clundst at unlserve.unl.edu>wrote:
> > history.  I haven't hosed a system running as root, but I've come
> The only times I've truely hosed a system would be back in the 2.0 kernel
> days.
> Remotely, I did an mtu change once...that ended badly.  Note to include the
> 'mtu' word when doing an ifconfig mtu change or you'll eat the ip address
> assigned to said interface :).  Power cycle fixed it, but... still :).
> -Will
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