[olug] OT: Tux paraphenalia

Will Langford unfies at gmail.com
Mon Dec 29 18:46:00 UTC 2008

Long ago... in like... 1999 or something.... I picked up several stuffed
Tux's from somewhere.  Then in 2000 after getting my first real job, I
grabbed a 3 foot stuffed tux.  Same store apparently had other stuff like
ties, boxers, tie tacks, pins, cuff links, etc.  Pengin Powered logo was
featured frequently on products.  Luke Jr suggests it might have been think
geek, and that's highly possible.

Anyway... I've changed my dress from dinosaur/fishy/bugs/jungle shorts (ie:
beach shorts) and tee's to slacks, nice shirt, and ties.  I'm finding I'm
lacking a tie tack as well as cuff links... and I can't seem to find any
linux related paraphenalia outside of some old looking pages from the UK.

Any pointers ?


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