[olug] Lunch in Lincoln: Was: Luncheon Change-West

Sam Tetherow tetherow at shwisp.net
Sun Aug 17 19:25:21 UTC 2008

Currently where doesn't make too much difference to me if I'm in town.

Since there seems to be interest, do we want to shoot for lunch next 
Friday?  And if so do we need to look for someplace other than LaPaz for 
those that have a tighter lunch schedule?

    Sam Tetherow
    Sandhills Wireless

Obi-Wan wrote:
>> Is there a Lincoln lunch?  I would definitely be interested.
> There's enough of us in Lincoln (at least a half dozen) that we try to
> meet each month, but I don't think we've ever had more than three make
> it at a time.  We've lately been meeting at La Paz north of Cotner &
> 'O'.  By next month, I'll have moved to southwest Lincoln (16 & Old
> Cheney), so La Paz will be quite a treck for me over lunch.  Sam lives
> in extreme southeast Lincoln.  Chris works in northeast Lincoln.  Dave
> works downtown.  It's hard to please everybody...

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