[olug] Cox Issues Was: Cox sucks

Daniel Linder dan at linder.org
Thu Jul 19 15:10:41 UTC 2007

On Thu, July 19, 2007 09:09, Luke -Jr wrote:
> There's no contract to purchase stuff at retail stores either... I guess
> it'd
> come down to what you asked for and if you paid the listed price at the
> time...

If I were you I'd really read over your next Cox bill.  I know when I've
had both my @Home and @Work connections (re-)setup (both self-install and
a new home with the Cox guys coming on site to check lines), there were a
number of forms that I filled out.  Like a good lemming I didn't give them
more than a cursory glance, but I do remember something there stating that
they had every right to terminate my Cox service (tv, phone, and/or
Internet) if I was doing things that weren't acceptable.

Having an Internet connection isn't an "inalienable right" rather a
privileged that we pay for and Cox provides.  With the exception of gas
and electricity, I don't think there is any government regulations stating
that they have to provide the service to you if they have some sort of
reason to turn a customer off.

And if you're using your cablemodem to saturate 10Mbit of their 155Mbit
connection but don't want to pay 10/155 of the price, it's your choice to
find another provider who will.


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