[olug] OT: where to get RJ-45 connectors

Fri Aug 10 17:47:36 UTC 2007

On Thu, August 9, 2007 12:01 pm, Ryan Stille wrote:
> Where does one get RJ-45 connectors around here, for making your own
> network cables?  I just moved down here last year, and haven't stepped
> foot in any local computer shop yet.  But I've called Futureware,
> checked Office Max, and called several shops that came up when searching
> google.  Someone told me GreyBar has them, which is where we'll probably
> end up going even though its a ways out of the way.  Anyone know of some
> other shops that would carry say a 100 count bag of these?  I'm near 680
> & Dodge.
> Thanks,
> -Ryan

As other have mentioned:
Computer Cable Connection: though I find their prices to be higher than
Greybar, and their customer service to be hit & miss when I dealt with
Greybar: as everyone else has said
Computers to Go in Bellevue: always treated be well

Newegg.com is where I get all my stuff at this point.

Timothy "Irish" O'Brien
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