[olug] OT: Qwest's latest anti spam policy

Don E. Kauffman dekauff at cox.net
Fri Jan 13 03:49:01 UTC 2006

EmailBattles has an article about Qwest's antispam policy. Not sure
which misguided morons in Qwest thought this one up!

"When the US Federal Communications Commission released broadband
providers to pursue their own interests, much of the business community
cheered. Finally, we would see unbridled competition between telcos,
cable and wireless providers.

Qwest, the company who's motto is Spirit of Service, has provided the
first hint of coming changes with its revised Acceptable Use Agreement.
In essence, it says if your Internet connection is in any way connected
with spam... and Qwest can't figure out a better way to charge you...
it's going to cost you five bucks for each message:" 

For the rest of the story:

Secure your connections! 

FWIW. I was thinking about switching to Qwest DSL but with this kind of
policy -- I DON"T THINK SO!!

Don Kauffman 

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Trojans, and Adware."
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