[olug] OT: "Securing" a WinXP Home Edition Machine

Robert A. Jacobs r.a.jacobs at cox.net
Sat Feb 5 21:03:40 UTC 2005

On Fri, 2005-02-04 at 23:17 -0600, Phil Brutsche wrote:
> Robert A. Jacobs wrote:
> > Likewise, where do I look to change the name of the default admin 
> > account?
> ummm, forgot to mention that you can't do that on XP Home.  The Local
> Users and Groups item under Computer Management is disabled, and the 
> local Administrator account cannot be accessed from within User Accounts.

Well...turns out they had WinXP Media Edition.  I was able to find the
Administrator account and disable it - I had already set up another
admin account but it took some hunting around.  It was somewhere in the
security policies tool.

> It's one of many reasons why I usually recommend spending the extra $70 
> or so to get XP Pro ;)

I had recommended that originally but, after some research, baked off of
it because it didn't offer them much that they would use.  I don't know
if there is a difference between Home Edition and Media Edition with
regards to the security policies editor (or whatever it was called - I
got to it through the "Help") but, as I said, I was able to disable the
default Administrator account.  

Thanks for everyone's help!


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