[olug] user management

Brammer, Phil olug at wjjeep.com
Mon Dec 12 16:02:07 UTC 2005

On Mon, Dec 12, 2005 at 12:40:06AM -0600, Jake Churchill wrote:
> ...
> My issue is that when I create a user, it adds them with the default 
> group as users, which is GID 100.  What do I need to change to ensure 
> that when I add a user, it specifies them with the group that is equal 
> to their user name.  For example, user john needs to be added and his 
> primary group must be john, rather than users.  Is there a way to alter 
> this file so that it does that and so that it automatically sets the 
> home directory to /home/john. 
> ...

Just some thoughts...

Take a look at your /etc/login.defs file...  What values do you have for GID_MIN and GID_MAX?  Aside from the GROUPS entry you have in your /etc/default/useradd file, it is the same as mine on FC3.

I would guess that you are not on a Red Hat-based system though...  Red Hat modified useradd to automatically create a group name the same as the user name by default.


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