[olug] Peguin Lunch Tomorrow?

Craig Wolf cjwolf at mpsomaha.org
Thu Apr 14 13:51:02 UTC 2005

Sorry, won't make it again this month.  My son was born Tue. morning and
sleep is now a HIGH demand commodity.  I am staying home for a few weeks
to help things get settled.  
Hope some more people make it this month.  I will be back on track to
attend next month.
Wanna see my boy??  8)

Take care all!!

Craig Wolf
Linux Web Server Support
Desktop/Network Specialist

>>> rhurley at tmvgas.com 04/14/05 8:22 AM >>>
What about us West O folks?  We need to make a better showing.  There's
a great little pizza place called CICI's directly across the street from
China Buffet.  We could try there.  Best thing about it?  $3.39 for
pizza and salad buffet if you drink water.  But it makes no difference
to me where we meet.

Rod Hurley
Network Administrator
Tenaska Marketing Ventures
ph:  402-758-6187
cell: 402-981-9561
fx:   402-758-6275
rhurley at tmvgas.com

>>> thelarsons3 at cox.net 4/14/2005 7:22:46 AM >>>
Joe Gulizia wrote:
> Planning on being in Omaha around lunch time.  Still @
> CaliTacos?  Still @ 11:30?

Yup.  Yup.

Tim & Alethea
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