[olug] New PortKnocking Script

Thom Harrison id4spam at cox.net
Sat Jun 19 01:26:41 UTC 2004

I've configured it as a public ftp server using vsftpd.  I've simply added the 
ID and Password as an additional ( although weak ) security measure.

Plus, there isn't anything on that server and all my other boxes are 
individually firewalled.

I suspect it won't be too long that the password will popup if you google 
"thom.homelinux.com" though.  That might be a good time to change it.

Kind of silly running a public ftp server and portknocking all on the same 
machine, but its all just for kicks and grins on that box.

Thom the Intrepid

VHP3 wrote:
> Your brave for sending this info out...  :-)
> Vince
>>ftp thom.homelinux.com
>>ID: ftp
>>PW: ftp$thom
> =====
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