[olug] bash help (awk/sed)

Hugh Jarce hjarce2001 at yahoo.com
Mon Jul 12 00:17:43 UTC 2004

Eric Pierce wrote:
> I'm trying to pull from a file (several files actually) all
> six digit combinations followed by a dash and a letter A-F
> (ex. 123456-D).  Then I want to append a comma AND the
> filename that it is pulling from.
> Example. 
> 123456-D,file01.txt
> 654321-D,file01.txt

Mike Hostetler wrote:

> Or use awk for everything:
> for f in `ls -1 *.txt`; do
>   awk --assign infile=$f '/[0-9]+?-[A-F]/ {print $0 "," infile}' $f
> done

That $0 prints the whole line not just the matching 123456-D.
This one-liner seems to do the trick:
perl -nle '/(\d{6}-[A-F])/ && print "$1,$ARGV"' *.txt
It also should be a lot faster because it does not fork a new
process for each file.

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