[olug] Luncheon with a Penguin

Rod Hurley rhurley at tmvgas.com
Tue Feb 17 22:16:39 UTC 2004

<<<needs some Linux swag to wear.  Any suggestions?

Rod Hurley
PC Specialist
Tenaska Marketing Ventures
ph:  402-758-6187
cell: 402-981-9561
fx:   402-758-6275
rhurley at tmvgas.com

>>> thelarsons3 at cox.net 02/17/04 03:47PM >>>
Response seemed favorable last month, so is anyone up for lunch again
this Friday?

* China Buffet on 114th near Dodge
* Clancy's on Pacific near 72nd

Take your pick.  See you there @ 11:30 on the 20th.  Wear your Linux
swag so everybody can identify each other.


Tim & Alethea

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