[olug] mystifying cable modem problem

Dave Hull dphull at insipid.com
Tue Aug 31 03:18:07 UTC 2004

Quoting Bill Brush <bbrush at unlnotes.unl.edu>:

> 1.  A 10base-T network can be switched also.
> 2.  A 100base-T network can be run on a hub.
> 3.  Even if the network is switch you can use a promiscuous port to see
> everything (on a managed switch).
> 4.  On an unmanaged switch you can use certain tools to do Arp poisoning so
> your monitoring station can act as the man in the middle.

>From what I hear, some switches "fail open" or revert to a hub like mode if they
are overwhelmed (buffer overrun?) or otherwise compromised. If you can make that
happen on the network in question, you can see pretty much everything.

Dave Hull

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