[olug] Volunteers at InfoTec?

Adam Haeder adamh at omaha.org
Mon Apr 19 20:44:41 UTC 2004

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Hello OLUGgers

Sorry this is so late in coming.

The annual Infotec banquet is Tues - Thursday of this week. OLUG will have
a booth there at the vendor show, which is just Wednesday from 10 am - 6
pm and Thursday from 10 am - 3 pm. We like to have at least 2 people at
the booth at all times. I have blocked off both days to be there, so we
only need one more body there during those times. Craig Wolf has
volunteered for Thursday, so we only need Wednesday. Again, everyone is
welcome to stop buy and chat with people. Like our meetings, it's pretty
informal. We'll have some demo systems set up there (I believe Jon H is
bringing his Mythbox, among others). We'll also hand out the standard set
of fliers that I'm printing out now:

Installfest sheet (for July 17, 2004)
One page Linux manual (found a mirror here:
Whatever else we can think of

I also have many extra SuSe and Mandrake cds from former installfests that
I will be handing out.

Respond to the list if you'd like to volunteer for Wednesday, otherwise
just show up! We'll have the nice OLUG banners on display as well.

Hope to see you all there.

- --
Adam Haeder
Vice President of Information Technology
AIM Institute
adamh at omaha.org
(402) 345-5025 x115
PGP Public key: http://www.haederfamily.org/pgp.html

On Fri, 16 Apr 2004, Craig Wolf wrote:

> If you are still needing booth manning, I have clearance to be there all day Thursday...
> Craig Wolf
> Linux Web Server Support
> Desktop/Network Specialist
> 402-894-6283
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