[olug] Digital Cameras and Linux

Robert A. Jacobs r.a.jacobs at cox.net
Tue Mar 4 04:12:58 UTC 2003

On Mon, 2003-03-03 at 19:52, Mike Hostetler wrote:
> My wife is 8 weeks preganant and, amount the other things that are on
> our list to purchase is a digital camera (don't ask me how I got a tech
> budget in, cuz I'm not sure how!).

Congrats.  My wife is also pregnant -- about 6 weeks I think.  Our
second; unplanned but still a great occasion (I think if I say that
enough, I'll actually believe it someday! :) )

> I've done a little research, and the best advice I've found is to find a
> camera in the middle price range.  Does anyone here have any advice? 
> What kind of cameras have good quality, good features, and work with
> Linux (the main OS in our house)?

I've got a Sony Cybershot DSC P-50.  I've had no luck under Debian --
though I've heard others have had no problems under Suse.  One of these
days, maybe I'll have the time to actually dig around and try to get it


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