[olug] Logo in vector art

Jay Hannah jay at jays.net
Mon Jun 23 13:40:59 UTC 2003

Brandon Lederer wrote:
> As far as I know, PNG and PSP are not vector art.  If I enlarge that PNG is
> going to pixelate, same with the PSP.  If pixelation happens, how is it
> vector art?

.psp files can contain vector and/or raster data, layers, etc. The
olug.psp I created happens to be 100% vector. They can only be viewed
with PSP. (I think vector was introduced in PSP 5? This is PSP 7.)

.png files are raster only. They can be viewed w/ most web browsers and
graphics editors.

I saved the .psp (vector) into a much bigger .png (raster) so you can
see it closer up (Netscape 4.7 auto-resizes .png files smaller if it's
bigger than your screen.):

   click "huge.png"


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