[olug] ham radio operators can use 802.11b

Daniel Pfile daniel at pfile.net
Sun Jan 19 04:48:23 UTC 2003

On Saturday, January 18, 2003, at 06:40 PM, neal r wrote:

> Daniel Pfile wrote:
>> Ohh I didn't realize that Ham users were the primary users of that 
>> band. Of
>> course, if somebody's part 97 devices shuts out my part 15 devices 
>> I'd probobly
>> track their signal down and solve the problem with a bat. :)
>    If your part 15 device interfered with someone operating within 
> part 97 rules,
> some helpful fellows from the FCC would likely be invited to come 
> explain the error
> of your ways to you. I should also add that statements like the one 
> you made here
> are exactly the sort of thing that is going to get part 15 outdoor 
> networks
> regulated.

Whoa, that was sarcasm. I always forget it doesn't come across well in 
email. I'm not going to beat anybody with a bat.

>> I've got a 2m HT sitting around, but no license. I was going to get 
>> one about 6
>> years ago, but I kinda let it fall by the wayside. I'm sure I could 
>> pass the
>> test easy, they've gotten a lot easier. Well, they always were easy, 
>> if you know
>> anything about electronics it's just a matter of memorizing the laws 
>> really.
>   So you have no excuse not to get involved.

Time, I need time.

-- Daniel

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