[olug] Kernel upgrade knocked out sound?

Dave Hull dphull at insipid.com
Wed Aug 20 19:25:29 UTC 2003

On Wed, 20 Aug 2003, Brandon Lederer wrote:

> You Should always install your kernels by hand in my opinion.

When I started running Linux, that was the only way it could be done. I stayed 
far away from RH's rpm kernel upgrades. Maybe eight months ago I had one of 
those "What the heck?" momments and gave the rpm upgrade a try.

It worked. The system rebooted with no problems. The old kernel was still 
there and was even the second option in the boot loader.

Months later I discovered I could do rpm -e to remove the old kernels I'm not 
using anymore. I think I've upgraded the kernel on three different machines  
two or three times and have not had any problems yet.

Past performance is no indication of future results.

All in all, I'd say in order to be a good sysadmin you should know how to and 
be comfortable with manually upgrading your kernel. When your package manager 
mis-manages an upgrade you'll know where to begin.

But try the other way sometime, the water's fine.

Dave Hull

Griffin's Thought:
	When you starve with a tiger, the tiger starves last.

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