[olug] Uptime to boot date

Brian Wiese bwiese at cotse.com
Fri Nov 1 02:22:43 UTC 2002

On 29 Oct 2002 14:09:16 -0600
Quinn Coldiron <qcoldir at nmhs.org> wrote:

|now, this is odd.  I have a RH 6.x server still running (no time to
|upgrade it yet) and it's /proc shows it's boot date time but the
|/proc/sys is different.  What's up?

I dunno, this is what I get. Seems my /proc/ is accurate to last boot,
just thinking about it in my head.  Under SuSE 7.3 kern 2.4.10

bwiese at liberty:/> ls -dl /proc/ /proc/sys
dr-xr-xr-x  153 root     root            0 Aug 20 20:22 /proc/
dr-xr-xr-x   10 root     root            0 Oct 31 20:16 /proc/sys
bwiese at liberty:/> uptime
  8:16pm  up 71 days,  9:36,  1 user,  load average: 0.01, 0.05, 0.07

Quinn... is there anyway to get your perl script into a bash script?  I
don't have the perl module Date/Calc.pm (presently), and was just
wondering if you thought it was possible, as limited as a bash script is?

I would like to find another nice 'boot time' record, or ... even
better... I'm thinking about a CPU time log/odometer for how long the
cpu/mobo has all been running since the system was first installed
(carried over after reboots - complete cpu hours run).  This would be nice
to do with a brand new cpu/mobo - just know how far along into the life of
the hardware one is. =)


  Brian Wiese | bwiese at cotse.com | aim: unolinuxguru
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