[olug] sad...

Brian Roberson roberson at olug.org
Sun Jun 2 04:53:29 UTC 2002

well... sad to see another highly used, well endured machine coming down, this machine was the primary mail outbound relay for samba.org mail lists, and its services have been migrated to a new bigger,badder more redundant machine. this box was also olug.org for 3 years straight, until all of olug.org services moved to the users.olug.org machine. sad to see it go, but I have no use for it any longer... It will be dis-assembled and scrapped for peive-parts..... ahhh.... what a waste.

aux:/www # uptime
 12:27am  up 824 days,  2:13,  1 user,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
aux:/www #
aux:/www # uname -a
Linux aux 2.0.39 #1 Friday Jun 24 12:28:55 GMT 1994 i686 unknown
aux:/www #

according to the /proc entries, this machine has transmitted over 60 trillion ip packets, with 0 error's and 50 tx overruns...

for those of you "DIE HARD" linux junkies, yes, my clock was off when I complied the kernel ;-)

Brian Roberson
President/Founder Omaha Linux User Group ( http://olug.org )
GNU/FSF programmer ( http://www.fsf.org )
Samba Team Member ( http://www.samba.org )
Sr. Network Engineer, West Interactive ( http://www.west.com )

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