[olug] No Meeting 8/6/02

Adam Haeder adamh at omaha.org
Tue Aug 6 04:38:13 UTC 2002

Sorry, I can't make the meeting tomorrow, and we never formalized a topic 
after the installfest. Please spend the next few weeks making topic 
suggestions to the list and we'll do a whiz-bang big time meeting in 

The CERT Security conference is going on this week, and I know our 
illustrious president, Brian, is a featured speaker. Brian, you had 
mentioned something about OLUG helping out with the wireless labs there? I 
haven't seen anything to the list about this, can you give us more detail?

Adam Haeder
Technical Coordinator, AIM Institute
(402) 345-5025 x115
adamh at omaha.org

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