[olug] Eth0 error determining IP information (Fail) continued

Tom Huber huber28 at home.com
Sun Sep 2 19:38:34 UTC 2001

Thanks Dave for the reply.  I did get it working but have some quirks to learn
about with this netscape.  I put some address in the address book and when I go
to click on them to send mail to them it shuts down netscape.  If I type there
name on the To: line it wants to put EVERYBODY @home.com and that aint right
either.  So we are learning as we go.  This is 4.5 netscape when I first came
up it connected to netscape.com and asked if I wanted to upgrade to 7.x ...  Do
I do that the same way as with W98 ?? or is there something special with Linux
?  SInce I have never installed anything on my own (YET).  Thanks again   Tom

Dave Homan wrote:

> I was having the same problem trying to set up dhcp on cox at home.  I looked
> in the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifup file (running RH7.1) and found
> that it was sending out a dhcp request using $DHCP_HOSTNAME, but that
> hostname wasn't defined in anywhere.  This will cause the bringing up of
> eth0 on bootup to take a really really long time, then finally fail.  Two
> things you can do:
> 1) manually type "dhcpcd -h cxxxxxx-x" once the machine is done booting, or:
> 2) someone already mentioned this but edit
> /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 so it says the line
> "DHCP_HOSTNAME="cxxxxxxxx-x" where cxxxxx-x is your cox at home hostname
> (should be on your work order, or you can just call them up and ask for it)
> Hope this helps!
> >>me the following error
> >>"error determining IP (Failed) "
> >>I have it (or think I do) set up for DHCP but it can't seem to >>determine
> >>a
> >>address.   And now when I do ifconfig -a it tells me the card is >>there.
> >>Now
> >>looks like just setting up the ISP side correctly.  Any ideas ?  I >>must
> >>say
> >>this has been some learning expeirience.....
> >>
> >>Tom
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