[olug] Need some help please

john williams jw43405 at navix.net
Wed Oct 25 20:11:44 UTC 2000

I am working on bringing a linux machin onto our LAN.  We are currently
using an NT 4.0 server which is a BDC and a local file server.  I have
Redhat 6.1 running on an Enterprise 450 and am setting it up to as an NT
file server with a few other services running.  I have a few questions
that I am sure someone can answer and appreciate any help I can get.

The first few questions deal with backup and recovery.

1)  I am using tar to backup to the tape drive and it seems successful
but I do not know how to look at the contents on the tape.  I have tried
to mount it and that is obviously not the way.  How can I see what is on
the tape?

2)  Should I be using tar or would dump be the better choice.

3)  I currently have the backups being done as cron jobs.  Is this the
way I should handle my backups, and if so would someone be willing to
post their cron entries for backup so I can see how others are handeling

I am going to be telnetting into this machine from windows quite often
to monitor log files and such and was wondering if I should be using
VT100?  I have noticed that when I use vi and other apps from a windows
telnet session using VT100 it seems all screwed up.

And the las question is the easiest.  When I want to start an
application on boot that requires root permissions where should I add
this entry?

Thanks again for the help

John Williams

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