[olug] Re: ident

dbw commando at robotz.com
Fri Oct 20 15:47:50 UTC 2000

in response to:
mesc (mescie at home.com)
"I've been trying to get ident working on my box for a week now"

I have a friend who wrote a help document on enabling ident after he had
difficulity trying
to get it to work on his box.  It goes without saying that he wrote this
after he was finally
successful in enabling his ident on linux.  Maybe if you would want to
read this it may help 
you enable your ident for use with IRC, which I believe was also his goal
when he figured it out.  

Anyway, the URL: 

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____   / /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /   commando at robotz.com   ___
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