[OLUG] sendmail/DNS woes

Mike Hostetler thehaas at binary.net
Tue May 30 23:44:27 UTC 2000

Let me explain what I am trying to do, then I will tell you what is wrong.

At work, we would like to send Internet email through some UNIX machines.
The easiest way to do this is to relay the mail off of our internal mail 
server.  However, we can only send relay internal mail off of the mail
server - all other mail is rejected for policy reasons.  

So now we are on Plan B.  I'm setting up a Linux machine that we can use
to relay the mail.  How I set up bind on that machine is that the machine 
knows about the internal network and forwards all other DNS requests to
our firewall.  This seems to work, at first:

mikeh at mikeh:~ > nslookup
Default Server:  localhost.gsi.com

> set q=mx
> yahoo.com
Server:  localhost.gsi.com

Non-authoritative answer:
yahoo.com       preference = 1, mail exchanger = mx2.mail.yahoo.com
yahoo.com       preference = 0, mail exchanger = mx1.mail.yahoo.com

However, when I try to send mail to it, I get this:

mikeh at mikeh:~ > /usr/lib/sendmail -v thehaas at yahoo.com
thehaas at yahoo.com... Host unknown (Name server: host not
/home/mikeh/dead.letter... Saved message in /home/mikeh/dead.letter
Postmaster... aliased to root
root... Connecting to local...
root... Sent

Okay, so what's happening??  To me, it looks like sendmail is not parsing
the line correctly - it thinks that thehaas at yahoo.com is a machine, not
an address.

Anyone have any suggestions??? Or perhaps there is an easier way to do

- mikeh

Mike Hostetler          
thehaas at binary.net 
GnuPG key: http://www.binary.net/thehaas/mikeh.gpg 

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