[OLUG] swap partition fun

kaygee kegaut01 at willy.wsc.edu
Mon Mar 27 19:12:34 UTC 2000

Do you really have three seperate HDD's?

Let us know a little about your setup and maybe something will come of it.
>From just looking at what you gave I don't see any errors but with more
information I'd be able to make a saner guess.

There's ease of use and then there's ease of usefulness.
Choose usefulness. Choose Linux.

On Fri, 24 Mar 2000, Adam Lassek wrote:

> I recently gave myself a larger swap partition 'cause I though it was a
> bit too small, and now when the system boots up it says /dev/hdc8:
> invalid argument. I'm not sure what I did wrong here, I set the value to
> 82 in fdisk. here's the line for it in /etc/fstab:
> /dev/hdc8	swap	swap	defaults 0 0
> Am I missing something here? I've never really set up a swap partition
> myself before, so I don't really know the procedure.
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