[olug] Brainbench

Matt Payne payne at acm.org
Mon Jul 17 15:15:49 UTC 2000

On Mon, 17 Jul 2000, Tim Russell wrote:

> Interesting!  I got a 3.53 on the Red Hat test - there was a decent amount
> of what I would term "arcana" that noone should really have to remember -
> that's what man pages and help files are for, but it was interesting.
> Tim #1

IMHO this is one of the things that makes certification's nifty.  You
don't always score as high as you'd expect...

There is no magic bullet for deciding if a person can do a job.  IMHO
trends toward certification are a great thing.  Certification's narrow
focus mean more than the ambiguity of a BS.   

IMHO it would be a great thing to see "Brainbench certification in A,B,C,
and D required" instead of "BS in Computer Science prefered" on job

-Matt Payne, payne at acm.org

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