[OLUG] Kansas City Linux Show

Daniel Pfile pfiled at marietta.edu
Sat Jan 8 06:07:50 UTC 2000

I dunno if we can get 50 people together from the lug to get a bus. I'm
willing to drive and take people without a car though, dunno if I'll want
to spend the night, considering KS isn't that far. It doesn't look like
the show is going to be that great, so I think a day would be plenty of
time. But then again, I tend to get board at shows, the fun of macworld 98
in nyc was gone within 1.5 days, and that was with a full pass.

Speaking of shows, is anybody going to the international python convention
this month, or the linux expo next month? I'd be interested in hearing
about what happens at the python convention from somebody who actually
goes. Especially if they participate in the zope track.

# Daniel Pfile        # I have no cool signature.
# pfiled at marietta.edu # Finger for free illegal software.

On Fri, 7 Jan 2000 bbrush at unlnotes.unl.edu wrote:

> Charter one.  They really aren't that expensive.  I chartered one to Milwaukee
> last summer and it was about $2500 for the whole trip.  The bus was a 50
> passenger tour bus with a lot of nice amenities (like TV and VCR).
> Bill
> Vincent <vraffensberger at home.com> on 01/06/2000 09:49:56 PM
> Please respond to olug at bstc.net
>   To:          olug at bstc.net                                  
>   cc:          (bcc: Bill Brush/NET/UNL/UNEBR)                
>   Subject      Re: [OLUG] Kansas City Linux Show              
>   :                                                           
> Jason Ferguson wrote:
> >
> > Just found this, LinuxFEST 2000, to be held in Kasas City from 20 - 24
> > June. Doesnt look like a Linuxworld to me, but might be of regional
> > interest to all of us.
> >
> > Url:
> > http://linuxfest.net/
> >
> > Jason
> >
> > -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Who has a bus?
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
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