[OLUG] /dev/modem lock

Phil Brutsche pbrutsch at creighton.edu
Fri Feb 18 02:03:36 UTC 2000

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...

> mesc wrote:
> > -------------------------------------------------------------------------
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> what mail program are you using?

He's using Outlook Express 4.

> I havn't been able to read your posts, they're blank on my computer.

Outlook Express 4 (configured a certain way) generates email messages that
Netscape (what you're using) incorrectly parses and thus can't display
properly.  I can sorta see the message in Pine; a screenshot is at

> I've seen this happen before; short of using another mail client, is
> there any way to fix this?

OE4 needs to be reconfigured; I'm not sure how to do that.  He (Gary
Martin) could also try Outlook Express 5.  It's a free download, and can
use OE4 mailboxes, so Gary (theoretically) isn't out anything.  It
generates messages more correctly, from what I've seen.

To more directly answer your question: either you need a new mail client
(imo there aren't many decent ones, I'm afraid) or it's all in Gary's

Phil Brutsche					pbrutsch at creighton.edu

"There are two things that are infinite; Human stupidity and the
universe. And I'm not sure about the universe." - Albert Einstein

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