[olug] Debian Potato i386 CDs available

Dave Burchell burchell at inetnebr.com
Wed Aug 16 22:32:21 UTC 2000

Hey all,

If you were thinking of downloading the 3-disk binary set for Debian
2.2 r0 (AKA Potato), consider copying mine instead.  I'll have a spare
set I can loan out.  Or I may be able to bring sets to the meeting
Sunday.  Just let me know!

(Note that I am in Lincoln, so perhaps someone in Omaha should make a set

Dave Burchell                                          40.49'N, 96.41'W
Free your mind and your software will follow.              402-467-1619
http://incolor.inetnebr.com/burchell/                  burchell at acm.org     

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