[OLUG] dd

Dave Burchell burchell at inetnebr.com
Thu Apr 20 03:41:25 UTC 2000

Sounds good, but remember, test your backup.  Make sure you can
read/restore from this file the way you want to.  How many horror stories
have we all heard about untested backups being unreadable or blank?

Ideally, you could test with a spare hard drive of the same (or slightly
larger) size.  Swap the current drive with the spare and restore your
Windows system from your backup media.  (I know, we don't all have spare

mesc says:
> I finally got my windows ISO made using mkisofs -o -a
> /usr/bin/window95.img /mnt/win.After it was finished running it said 672
> mb copied to /usr/bin/window95.img (the size of my windows dir)so it
> must have done it right.Thank you all for your help.
>             Thanks again,Gary Martin.
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Dave Burchell                                          40.49'N, 96.41'W
Free your mind and your software will follow.              402-467-1619
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